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HOPE or Why I became a Life Coach.

CONTEXT - In our church we don't have a preacher; instead, the congregation is invited to share their testimony of specific topics. This is my take on Hope, in Christ.   Hello everyone. This is my first talk ever. I truly feel overcome with gratitude. I hope that if you walk away with anything, let it be the motivation to do whatever it takes to grow closer to Christ, and to seek out the Spirit.  First, I would like to introduce myself because, even though most of you met me 6 years ago, there's so many new faces that join us; and as it turns out, we haven't been properly introduced. My name is Graciela Moore. I am a Personal Life Coach, focusing on mindfulness, self-love, self-worth, confidence, productivity and faith. These are all the things I focus on in my practice because they're all the things that I, in my imperfections, struggle with at any given time of day.  These are also the things that fuel me and fill my cup. My work, is all in the hopes that you can mast
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